quarta-feira, maio 04, 2005

Asia: Resposta e Contra-resposta

Segue-se a resposta da Embaixada da Austrália ao meu email referente às negociações entre a Australia e Timor-Leste sobre as fronteiras marítimas (ver post prévio) e a minha contra-resposta:

From: Greg Polson, Ambassador of Australia to Portugal

Dear Mr Levy
Thank you for your email, which I have read with interest. The issues you have raised are important and complex. As I am not in a position to discuss them from where I sit in Lisbon, I can only say that what I have heard of the recently-concluded talks in Dili suggests important progress was made and we hope that agreement can be reached in the coming weeks on revenue-sharing arrangements for oil and gas reserves in the Timor Sea. Let us see what arises in the next few weeks.
As far as I am aware, the bulk of the Greater Sunrise field lies in an area of exclusive Australian seabed jurisdiction, east of the "simplified line of equisdistance" as between the territories of Indonesia and East Timor. This area (which lies closer to Indonesia than East Timor) was delimited through negotiations which led to the 1972 Australia-Indonesia Seabed Agreement.
Yours sincerely
Greg Polson
Ambassador of Australia to Portugal

From: Andre Levy
To: Austemb Lisbon@DFATL.com

Dear Mr. Polson
thank you for your attention and prompt reply. I too have hopes for fair results from the present talks.
While I understand the issue to be a complex one, and have no claim to be an expert on the topic, I did want to humbly point out that theGreater Sunrise field is in fact closer to East Timor. This was the basis for its inclusion within East Timor's Exclusive Economic Zone, delimited by 200 nautical miles in all directions from its coastline, per the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).
The 1972 Agreement to which you refer, in which Portugal/Timor did not take part of, was in fact acknowledged to be invalid in 1989, by both Australia and Indonesia, as it had been premised on Indonesia's illegal occupation of East Timor.
Our solidarity with East Timor can be expressed in aid. But more fairly, by giving them a fair chance to make use of resources from which they have been deprived and that would be legally declared theirs where an internacional arbitration organization be allowed to mediate the Timor-Australia talks.
Thank you once more for you attention
André Levy

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